My Month in Photos (October)

October is always a jam packed month as there’s four birthdays, mine and my partner’s anniversary, Halloween and more! So here’s a look at my October.

Food and Drink

Cinema & Pizza For My Mum’s Birthday

Celebrating our 7th Anniversary in the New Forest

My Partner’s Birthday-Vegan Pizza and Watching Boxing at the O2 Arena, London

White Water Rafting

Pumpkin Picking at Stanhill Farm, Kent

Halloween at Vegan Nights, London


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12 thoughts on “My Month in Photos (October)

  1. All that food looked SO yummy! That was so sweet of the restaurant to make a special plate for your anniversary! You guys are the cutest! I can’t remember whether I wished you a happy anniversary or not SO Happy Anniversary and to many many more! ❤ You guys are couple goals! ❤ And that picture of you in the pumpkin patch is so cute! I hope November is an amazing month for you! ❤

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